The Route of Imam Hussain from Makkah to Karbala

The Route of Imam Hussain from Makkah to Karbala


The map shows the Route that Imam Hussain (A.S) took when he left Makkah for Iraq. The date was 8th Zilhijja 60 Hijri (10.9.680 AD). With him there were about 50 people including women and children of his family and friends. His uncle Ibn Abbas and his brother Muhammad Hanafiya did not go with him. They came to bid farewell and tried to warn the Imam of the dangers ahead. Muhammad Hanafiya told him that the Makkans and other pilgrims were wondering why he was leaving just one day before the Hajj. Imam left a letter with his brother which explained his position clearly.

Compiled by: S M R Shabbar
